Almost everyone is living a monotonous life. You get up and go about your daily routine till you sleep at night and this cycle has a continuous repetition. But have you ever sat down and thought about the purpose of your existence? Or what you are actually meant to do? Have you ever given a thought to the purpose in your life?
Most probably not. Most of you are living a changed life, a life which you are spending on others rather than yourself. A life that revolves around the happiness of your immediate people and in this whirlwind, you tend to forget about yourself. Worry not as we present you the 5 best books which will help you to find your long-lost purpose in life.
1. Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by Bob Goff
This book is a classic on its own. During the years you forget the reason for your happiness. On the face you are happy but on the inside you are empty. The reason for this is competition and comparison. You always seek others for yourself rather than looking inside you. This book motivates and encourages you and teaches you that you are above all. You are by no means below anyone.
If you feel worthless that’s because you make yourself feel that way and always tend to look up to others by how happy and content they are. This is wrong. You should seek the happiness inside you as there are many who look up to you and are envious of you. This book makes you realize your own self-worth.
2. Do The Work: Overcome Resistance and Get Out Of Your Own Way by Steven Pressfield, Seth Godin
Sometimes, you become your enemy without even realizing it. Take the example of a glass filled with half water and you will always take the approach of it being half empty rather than looking at the fact that it is half full and you can fulfill your thirst.
Because of peer pressure and the surrounding society, you tend to believe that you do not deserve all the happiness and good things in life, and with that notion in your mind, you stop yourself from doing something you love and embracing your purpose. This book will help you in overcoming the obstructions that are coming in the way of your happiness.
3. The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself – By Michael A. Singer
Have you ever thought by looking at a talented and creative person that he or she is wasting their life and not exploring and utilizing their talent? Well, that person is you. Every one of us is born talented, it’s just that you need to show the world your talent. This book has 2 parts, the first one will show you your own self-worth and make you realize that you are enough for yourself.
The second part will show you how to remove the inhibitions, the past mistakes, and your pains that are stopping you from living in the present. It’s the present and the future that count and you are the only one who can make or break it.
4. Miracles Now: 108 Life-Changing Tools for Less Stress, More Flow, and Finding your True Purpose by Gabrielle Bernstein
In life, you face many challenges, ups, and downs, happiness and sadness which define your life. But it is how you perceive it. If you prefer to stay in your sadness and not accept the challenges but accept failures and distress then you will never be able to get up. This is a great book to teach you how to deal with the challenges in life and the thorns that life throws at you, your mood swings, depression, anxiety, and failure and teaches you how to overcome obstacles, find out what makes you happy and what you want to do.
5. The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown
When you are born a dream is also born. But it’s not yours, it’s your parents’ dream for you. Parents dream for their children, for their future, what they want them to become when they grow up, but usually you may not follow the same dream when you grow up and have aspirations of your ow. But still, you tend to follow your parent’s dream to make them happy and forsake your own happiness. This book teaches you to follow your own dream and happiness and take a stand for it.
These books are a great read to find your purpose in life and to become happy and content. Make sure to be in a mindset to accept new things.