Daily Practice: The Secret To Success In Any Field

Image by kalhh from Pixabay

Do you want the secret to achieving success? If you want to lose weight or run a marathon, what is the best way to attain your goal? Millions have an infinite list of unattained goals. Studies show that many people fail in the initial months of their goal setting.  What leads people to think that their efforts will turn futile? What is the reason that people get frustrated and want to give up on their dreams and aspirations?

Plant The Activity In Your Daily Routine

Before you even realize, more time has passed and downfalls another unfulfilled ambition that you yearned to achieve. Your poor choices have stolen your hopes of accomplishing things so dearly. People surrender to failure. The problem with this defeated mindset is that if you aimed too high and your expectations crashed quickly with disappointment.  Also, resolutions will become stale the very next morning, but your intentional plans will stick with you. Plans to reach out goals will pave way for concrete steps, even though they might be small. It is your intentional daily actions that lead you to your destination.

No one loses weight in a week or runs a marathon without practice. You have to give yourself a chance to succeed. You have to give yourself a reason to make intentional steps to succeed. You need to identify the reasons why you must reach your goals.

Consistency Works

The ultimate key to success is to be consistent in your practice. Never compare your outcome with others and do what works best for you. It is your process that is measured, not the progress.  Instead of telling your mind that you have to lose so many kilos in a week, why not tell yourself to exercise, no matter what? Even if it is for 10-15 minutes daily. You might not see a drastic change, but if you keep up with the habit, you will see your desired results eventually.

There are two basic operative words, practice and eventually. Remember, it is your long-term commitment to your goals that take you there.

The way you set goals and achieve them is vital. Don’t be over-ambitious and unrealistic in your approach. Instead, map out what you can and then set a route to get there. Be consistent, and keep practicing. It is your process that matters and the eventual practice of reaching your goal.

Attributes You Need

The three words you should not forget in the right order; practice, patience, and practice. Also, you should have the following attributes to succeed.

  • The Right Attitude; I have to do something positive for myself today
  • The Right Process; I will stick to this procedure every day
  • The Right Time; you will achieve your goals if you stick to them

Final Word

When you don’t see the results, don’t lose hope, don’t change your path, don’t change your attitude, and don’t pay heed towards other ways to succeed. You cannot control everything in this world, but you have control over your response to those circumstances.

Be The Residence of This Planet

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