When you make it your habit to love what you do, you can always do what you really love. And every time you do what you love, you can be more effective and efficient at it.
The main question now is, how can you make yourself love the thing you do all the time, even those things that you find hard to like?
Here are 5 formulas to help you love what you do so you can do better and be better as you do so:
1. Remember Your “Why”
For one reason or another, you were the one who chose to do what you are doing. It means that based on your dreams, goals, and priorities, you carved out that path that led you to this very place and moment.
There is a good reason why you are doing whatever it is you are doing and at the back of this reason is another good one. Retrace your steps to that starting point when you made an intentional decision. The things that you do, including those that might not be too pleasant, are all part of something that you intentionally and personally chose. If you learn to love your intention and the consequences that resulted from it, it will be easier for you to love what you do.
2. Enjoy the Experience
There are times when the experience itself makes the ride worthwhile. If what you are doing calls for intense mental focus, harness this experience to enhance your concentration and thinking skills as this is something you can use your whole life.
If mental focus is not required that much in what you are doing, use the chance to allow your thoughts to wander wherever you like them to go. Remember that there is always something enjoyable in what you do. Hold on to that joy and use to love what you do and do great things.
3. Think of the Difference You are Making
It doesn’t matter what you are doing because you can be sure that it can make a big difference not only in some people’s lives but even in the rest of the world. You might not know it but you are actually creating an influence because what you do matters a lot. You create the kind of value that didn’t exist before. Of course, it might feel complicated, messy, or even frustrating. But still, you can make a difference and this is what can give you the ultimate sense of satisfaction.
4. Remind Yourself of the Privilege and Joy to Live in this Unique and Magnificent Moment
Nothing is more important than being able to experience the possibilities and see the beauty of the bigger picture of things. This means that what you do becomes a critical component of a more positive experience as a whole.
5. Do Something Else
In the event that you can no longer find any reason to love what you are doing, stop doing it, then. Unless you are enslaved or imprisoned, you always have the chance to choose what you are going to do with your time. Move on to something else right away, something you really love and will let you create new value.