Focus on Process and Results Will Come

From your job, to your relationship, to life in general, we all tend to keep our eyes on the prize.  We’re all so focused on the idea of getting to where we want to go, that we don’t spend nearly enough time focusing on what it’s going to take to get us there.  But, you wanna know a secret?  Focusing on the process rather than the results is actually going to be what will get you to where you want to go!

Focus will bring, well, focus

Okay, so this one of those things that sounds really obvious but actually isn’t.  When you put your mind towards the process that is getting you to where you want to go, you’ll be more focused on actually getting there.  For example, if you want to get a good grade on your math exam, focusing your attention on understanding each day’s lesson, doing the homework, getting extra help, etc, are all part of a process that will get you that result.  The more you focus on the process of getting to your result, the less distracted you’ll be.  This will enhance that process (and its result) even more.

You’ll enjoy the process more

When you are spending more time in the day-to-day process, it becomes more enjoyable.  Instead of constantly looking ahead and watching to see if you’ve gotten any closer, your focus is on the daily successes and finding smarter and easier ways to make the process easier.  The easier it gets, the more that you’ll enjoy yourself.  Suddenly, the end result doesn’t seem so far away anymore because the process is something you enjoy rather than just a means to an end.

You’ll be in charge of your future

​Many people assume that the results are just things that happen. But, by focusing on the process and organizing the right techniques to get you where you are hoping to go, you’ll learn that you are creating the results that you are going for and that you are actually in charge of your life!  This gives you more energy and more excitement over the process, too, and helps you learn how to better create a future that is worthwhile to you!

Bonus: The results will mean more

​When you know how to get to where you’re going and you see just how much effort and time and focus you are putting into the process, the final results are going to mean a whole lot more.  Instead of seeing the result as the only thing that matters, the process to get there matters too, and the end results are going to be so much more fulfilling and worthwhile as an added sweet touch.

While learning to focus on the process is a little ‘easier said than done” especially when you feel like you have to wait an eternity to get to the results that you’re aiming for, it really will help you get to where you want to go with as minimal delays and frustration as possible.


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