Gratitude: The Antidote to Stress

Researches show that grateful people tend to be happier, less stressed, and more satisfied with life in general. Gratitude is the antidote to stress because it’s a way to only enhance the positive side of life and don’t feel attached to situations that can make you stressed.

Being grateful is not only a temporary state you can have but should be a way of permanent living to regulate your emotions. Stress makes you feel tired and irritated, and in the long term, stress can actually harm your health. Gratitude will make your body produce only good chemicals.

It’s known that feeling gratitude and thankfulness can help you deal with problems from your daily routine, and stress is one of them. But of course, gratitude does not mean the same thing to everyone, it can be about saying thank you for a gift or feeling thankful for when you get over a difficult situation.

How Gratitude Detach You From Stress

Gratitude being an antidote to stress may not be an obvious correlation, but when you start to see how it works and deeply understand the benefits of being grateful, you’ll see how they are connected.

  • You’ll feel enough: the word will tell you all the time that you’re not enough, and you don’t have enough. This stimulation will become stressful, and you’ll start to live in constant worry about owning more, having more, and doing more. Instead, by showing gratitude, you’ll see your value, see all the things you have accomplished, and detach yourself from this competition with the world.
  • Start seeing the positive side: you cannot focus on two things at the same time, and if you’re spending your time worrying about the negative side of life and all the things that didn’t work out, then you’re probably forgetting about the good and positive things. Savor the good things and turn them into great memories.
  • Clear mind to make better decisions: Stressed people tend to make decisions based on their worries without putting the entire situation in perspective, making it even worse in the end. When you’re grateful, you find balance in things and will have a clear mind to make the best decisions.

Start Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude is easier than it looks. You can start it by just stopping to acknowledge the things you have and is grateful for. It can be done by writing down everything on a piece of paper, in cellphone notes, keeping a journal, or by saying it out loud.

You can have this exercise as a daily task in your routine. You’ll stop and spend a few minutes each day to think of the things you’re grateful for.

That’s how you start to distance yourself from only the negatives and stressful situations. Gratitude is the best antidote to stress because it’ll guide your mind and thoughts to the good things to make you feel serene and calm.

When you stop feeling stressed, your body will not produce bad chemicals, and you’ll feel stronger, your mind will be clearer, and your long-term health will not be compromised.


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