About 9:30 pm… still too early for bed time . Love this place, so quiet…..anything to read? Yah, that one book seems laying there for quite sometimes…why don’t pick it up? The striking red and white cover caught the attention; “Sell or Be Sold”, a book by Grant Cardone that I bought several months back and no time yet to indulge in. Mr Grant Cardone? Need no introduction…Lets see the contents and find some inspiration from this great guy. The title “Stay Motivated” page 245 under chapter 21 looks interesting…something that I need at the moment and maybe some of you too. Let’s see what this great guy have to say. Personally, I also amaze on how he seem so motivated and never seems tired. He is definitely the correct person for this advice. This is what he said “ the number one way for me to stay motivated is to stay busy moving quickly from one activity to the next without a lot of time in between…….my motivation comes from my attention on the future, not from something done in the past”. I love the analogy he made; “ if there is a fire in your kitchen, I assure you that you won’t be depressed. You will be consumed with putting that fire out or watching you house burn down”. Wow, that’s really powerful! Keep ourselves busy that’s sure way to stay motivated. Busy with the things that are aligned with our life’s purpose. Ok, enough for one insight tonight . How about you… How do you stay motivated? Love to hear.