The whole world and the people living in it is now moving at the speed of lightning. As a result, it sometimes feels like those 24 hours in a day are no longer enough to do everything you need to do.
Unfortunately, time is constant, which means that you can never change it no matter how hard you try. What you can do instead is to learn to manage your energy.
Below are some helpful tips to help you manage your energy levels to improve your productivity and do more things in less time.
1. Focus on Those Activities You Love
It is only natural for you to have more inclined and energetic to do something you actually enjoy. Try paying more attention to things you enjoy more to avoid depleting your energy. If you focus on what you love, you can get more things done.
2. Organize Your Schedule
Schedule all your to-do things to become more effective. This way, you wouldn’t be asking yourself about what you should do first thing in the morning because everything is already set ahead of time. You know about the most important meetings or when you need to go to the grocery. Cluster the same activities together then plan the entire week where different tasks are done on different days.
3. Reduce Daily Decisions
You might not be aware of it but you are actually making more than 10,000 small decisions on a single day and your ability to make decisions decreases as the day also progresses. Thus, the smartest thing you can do is to try focusing your energy on those crucial decisions you have to make daily and cut back the number of those inconsequential decisions. For instance, having a specific pair of shoes for work stops you from wasting your time thinking about what to wear to the office every morning.
4. Don’t Multitask
Multitasking can waster more energy and time than what you can imagine. Start with one task then stick to it for a set period of time with no interruptions or distractions. This means no browsing your social media, no checking of emails, or answering your phone. Every time you switch task, it can take you several minutes to return to the state you were in prior to the interruption. Those minutes are wasted time and energy as to try going back to your inspired state.
5. Enjoy Healthy and Good Quality Foods
If you want to manage and boost your energy levels, your body needs fuel in the form of healthy foods. Enjoy a healthy meal for breakfast, do some stretches, or go for a brisk walk. Such activities can help release endorphins to help improve your momentum.
The next time you were given the task, always try to manage your energy and not your time. Time is definite and out of your control. But, your energy is yours to track and monitor so make sure you use it as wisely as possible.