This week we present “Millionaire Success Habits” by Dean Graziosi. The book was published in 2019 with 13 chapters and 267 pages.
Dean Graziosi is a new York bestselling author and he is the #1 author and educator in the field of real estate investing. He has been on TV every day for 15 years sharing his books and success training to the world through direct response TV shows.
My three great takeaways;
- Have a clear vision and clarity on the destination on you want to reach.
- Take creative time, observe other jobs, set gratitude alarm, stash cash and invest in yourself.
- Focus on few things that matter and do not be perfectionist.
Have a clear vision and clarity on the destination on you want to reach.
This came from the chapter 2 “ The foundation for All Success”. It grabbed my attention because it says “the foundation”; must be the basis or pillar of success. I need to understand this foundation. We must be very clear on what we really want to achieve in life. Sound so simple and so common seems nothing special about this idea. Unfortunately, this is the separator between the super achievers and the average. When we do not know clearly on what we want, our effort will scattered all over the place which is a formula for average life. But, if know exactly what you want to achieve, you will eliminate all the activities that are contributing in achieving your goals. So, take a moment, think through what you really want in this life? Make a habit to focus on what you want and not the thing you do not want. Dean shared that it is a truth that when we focus on the outcome rather than the obstacle, our live will never be the same. That is very powerful declaration. He ended this chapter with a powerful tool to help us really go after our goals. It is the power of WHY? We must attach a very strong why to each of our wants…if not, we will not persist especially when the ugly situation shows it face. With strong why we will cut through almost everything. He uses the concept of Seven Level Deep. Ask why seven level deep on each of the answer you give to your why. I found it as a great way of finding my why. You will get be emotional once year reach the level 6. Trust me.
- Take creative time, observe other jobs, set gratitude alarm, stash cash and invest in yourself.

These are some of the few hacks that I collected under the chapter 10, “The quick hacks to success”. Let me briefly share what each of the hack means. Take creative time; take 10 to 30 minutes a day just to think. Think about your life; health, career, finance, etc. Would be better if have a journal so that you refer to it again in the future. This is what I practice, i.e using a journal to put my thoughts at one place. This one of the tools that was mentioned in last episode under S.AV.E.R.S . The last S was for scribbling (journaling). Creative time will help you to clear your mind and bring in new ideas to your life.
Observe others jobs mean pay attention to how other people make a living. Some people have to work under the direct hot sun just to earn a living. Perhaps this exercise will bring some gratitude to us for having much comfortable job.
Set gratitude alarm means within a day maybe you set two three times of alarm as a reminder to be grateful. For example, Dean at 10 AM, his alarm goes off and reminds him to be optimistic, enthusiastic and loving. Very powerful stuff.
Stash cash means, put aside some savings from your monthly income. Sounds very familiar but are we doing it? I strongly agree with him that with savings in hands, we will go through our life with much more confident. We are not so fearful to take risk as we know we have some backups.
Invest in yourself is about giving knowledge to yourself. Allocate certain amount of your earning for learning. Do it on monthly basis; buy great books, attend seminars or enroll online courses. It must be consistent and the amount should increase once your income increase. Actually, this is one of the common habits of highly successful people; they invest a lot in themselves with great knowledge.
- Focus on few things that matter and do not be perfectionist.

This come from the chapter 13 “ The truest form of productivity and why you need to master it”. Actually, this chapter made me bought this book without thinking much about it. It cover many great ideas under this chapter but and I only want to share the two that I prefer the most.
Focus on few things that matter. I read this over and over again from various great books. I found it very true that we only need to focus on several things in our life to be great. For example, in your current career, what are the critical few factors that will bring your career to the next level? If you are a sales person, the critical few perhaps ; prospecting, making presentation, closing and follow up. Make sure you master these critical few skills. Sometimes, finding the critical few factors are the most difficult part. But you can overcome this by asking your leader or those who have been in the line long enough.
Do not be perfectionist means you need to be action oriented. Do not over analyze or over prepared. Give it a go and adjust the course as the time evolve. You do not wait for perfect timing. Sometimes perfection is procrastination in disguise. Just go for it.
Call For Action
Look at your current job and find out 3-4 things are critical for the success of your career and master those things.
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