One Week One Book: Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn

This week One Week One Book (OWOB) series   is  on  “Sometimes You Win and Sometimes You  Lose  Learn “  by John C. Maxwell. Everything happens for a reason(s). Mistakes want to teach us something…Something about humility, reality, responsibility, improvement, hope, teachability, and many more. These are of the principles that I believe the author wanted to share from every experience or mistake that we encounter.  

I categorize this book under Personal Growth. Just like many of his great books, this one also filled with real life examples that make you glued to the pages. It has 13 pages packed with wisdoms of life.  

The praise for this book;

“I have read probably a dozen or more of John Maxwells books and I believe this is one of his best. Its teachings are spot on helping anyone who has gone through or is going through any kind of trauma and wondering “Why?” – Amazon’s customer.

One my key take away from this book is this; “Improvement : The Focus of Learning” covered under chapter 5.

The desire to improve themselves is in the DNA of all successful people. Getting better has been a personal passion with me for many years. Part of that involves striving to perform better day by day, but the desire for improvement has prompted me to study others who share this passion”.

Four important things about improvement;

  1. Improve yourself first.
  2. Get out from your comfort zone
  3. It is not about quick fixes; it a long term game.
  4. It is a daily commitment.
Pic: credit Amazon

What is the best way to ensure the above fundamentals are  done or achieved? You have to be intentional about improving yourself..

Your aware that you really want improve…

You know what area you want to improve..

You know why you want to improve..

You know that you will make mistake, fall short but you learn it..

These two quotes from the book explain best..

knowledge may come from study, but wisdom comes from improving in the wake of your mistake”.

I work on the same principle as people who train horses. You start with low fences, easily achieved goals, and work up”- Ian MacGregor.

Call For Action

Next time you make a mistake, do not beat yourself up, instead, ask yourself what one skill that you need to learn or improve so that you can do better next time. Then, start acquiring that skill.

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