Self-identity is extremely vital to assert yourself when you are in a relationship with your family, partner or want to exercise good boundaries within your social circle. It can also help you draw your guards against manipulation and resentful relationships.
But What Exactly Is Self-Identity And Where Do You Get It From?
Well, self-identity is one of those things that are formed early in childhood and adolescence. This was a time when you explored life, balanced your interests, received encouragement from your elders, and were given feedback by others which contributed to your self-worth.
You also might have sadly had a troubled childhood and missed out on these experiences. Home and school, instead of being a place of warmth and development for you, might be places of abuse, neglect, and criticism. Instead of discovering who you were, you decided to stay out of the limelight to avoid criticism and rejection.
Such instances can lead to self-identity issues. Sadly people, who have had such negative experiences , have serious self-identity issues.
How Do You Build A Strong Self-Identity?
It is never too late to start anew, and you can start working on building a powerful self-identity. Remember that there are three components crucial for self-identity.
- Ownership of your values
- Commitment to those values
- Your self-worth
On the other hand, people who struggle with self-identity issues have the following characteristics.
- Their opinions and behaviors change depending on who they are around
- They don’t have knowledge of values and their opinions do not last long
- They experience feeling broken or empty
How Do You Determine If You Have Self-Identity Issues?
There are three easy questions you can ask yourself that can help you know if you too are facing a self-identity crisis.
- Do I rely unnecessarily on others for their approval to feel real?
- Do my options and interests change frequently?
- Do I feel empty, hopeless, and broken?
If you had a firm yes to all the above three questions then you need to reconsider your priorities in life. Every person in this world is unique from the other. There is something different that sets everyone apart. You can grab your identity by working on the tasks given below.
- Have your ideas, beliefs, opinions, preferences, and philosophies in life. Identify them and stick to them for good.
- Define your emotional responses to things that happen around you. Whether positive or negative, you should react to things.
- You are entitled to your own space just like others. Take a stand for your belongings, privacy, surroundings, and don’t let anyone impact them.
- You should have your social circle and do things that make you feel happy.
- Adjust like everyone else; your life is also an unfolding story. How do you see your achievements and accomplishments? What are your favorite memories?
Researchers say that people with a strong self-identity can help others navigate through life. They are major achievers, have fulfilling intimate relationships, are independent, and find notable space in society.