A lot of people make this common mistake of getting lost in the whirlwind of work and personal stuff. While tackling their problems they forget to remind themselves of who they are and what they are doing all this for.
To be in touch with yourself, you need to ask these critical questions every single day.
- Am I really myself? Or am I trying to be someone totally unfamiliar with my true self?
People have various fantasies in their life. They want to be huge, they want to be something no one has ever been. Chasing their materialistic goals, they often forget to be themselves. They forget to live their life on their own terms in order to appease people around them. Remember, pleasing everyone is not possible – trying to do so will obviously go in vain.
- Who is my best competitor – myself or others?
People try to leave others behind and that is a mistake they shouldn’t ever do. You are born to be yourself, your top priority should be to become better than the person you were yesterday. If you try to be interested in what others are doing in their lives, you will lose the track of your own endeavors. That is something you cannot afford to lose. You have yourself to compete with – you don’t need anyone else to be the reason for your success.
- Am I giving my 100% in everything?
Some people often become lazy and slouchy when their life is settled. When they see everything falling in place, they just take a back seat and start wearing an I-couldn’t-care-less kind of attitude. This is the main reason you forget to utilize all your capabilities in the best way possible. You need to be aware of your capabilities only to maximize them, only expand on them.
- Am I surrounded by people with a healthy mindset?
It is not rude to be choosy when it comes to your acquaintances, you can scale down on your circle and make it smaller if it poses any sort of threat to your mental health. For you, YOU come first – mind it. Also, make sure people you hang out with are not proponents of toxicity and malice.
- And, most importantly, do I love myself enough?
The most important reminder you need to give yourself every day is, never forget to love yourself no matter how much engrossed you are in your work or other stuff. Do not stop loving yourself even in difficult times. You oughtn’t to unlove yourself whether the situation favors you or not. And when the going gets tough, love yourself a little extra!
Staying connected with your soul is the biggest challenge in today’s super hectic life. You needn’t forget to be the kind soul you’ve always been.